Loads a music file
A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
Deallocates the memory and invalidates this.
Starts this music by fading in over ms milliseconds, will stop other musics. -1 loops will play forever.
Starts this music by fading in over ms milliseconds, will stop other musics.
Plays this music, will stop other musics. -1 loops will play forever.
Returns the latest sound related error
Handle to the Mix_Music*.
Modifies the position where currently playing.
Checks if the handle is not null.
Returns the current volume as float in range 0.0 to 1.0
Sets the current volume as float in range 0.0 to 1.0
Creates music from a Mix_Music*.
Pause the music playback. You may halt paused music. Note: Music can only be paused if it is actively playing.
Unpause the music. This is safe to use on halted, paused, and already playing music.
Rewinds music to the start. This is safe to use on halted, paused, and already playing music. It is not useful to rewind the music immediately after starting playback, because it starts at the beginning by default.
Halt playback of music. This interrupts music fader effects.
Thin wrap around Mix_Music including loading [FLAC, MikMod, Ogg Vorbis, MP3, Wav] using SDL_Mixer.