- attach
void attach(Shader shader)
Attaches a new shader to the program.
Will call shader.compile() if necessary.
- bind
void bind()
- id
uint id()
- link
void link()
Creates the program and binds it.
- opIndexAssign
void opIndexAssign(T value, string uniform)
- registerUniform
int registerUniform(string uniform)
Regsiters a uniform variable in the shader for later setting.
- set
void set(string uniform, int value)
- set
void set(string uniform, float value)
- set
void set(string uniform, vec2 value)
- set
void set(string uniform, vec3 value)
- set
void set(string uniform, vec4 value)
- set
void set(string uniform, mat2 value)
- set
void set(string uniform, mat3 value)
- set
void set(string uniform, mat4 value)
Class for combining shaders to a bindable ShaderProgram.