Creates a new centered window with specified title and flags on a 800x480 resolution.
Creates a new centered window with specified dimensions, title and flags.
Creates a new window with specified parameters.
A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
Closes the window and invalidates it.
Displays rendered content to the window.
Closes the window and invalidates it.
Raises the window to top and focuses it for input.
Hides the window.
Maximizes the window.
Minimizes the window.
Polls a event from the stack and returns true if one was found.
Pushes WindowEvent.Quit to the event stack.
Restores the window state from minimized or maximized.
Sets the icon to a Btimap.
Shows the window if hidden.
Dynamically sets the height of the window.
Dynamically gets the height of the window.
Dynamically sets the maximum height of the window.
Dynamically gets the maximum height of the window.
Dynamically sets the maximum width of the window.
Dynamically gets the maximum width of the window.
Dynamically sets the minimum height of the window.
Dynamically gets the minimum height of the window.
Dynamically sets the minimum width of the window.
Dynamically gets the minimum width of the window.
Returns if the is still open.
Texture containing rendered content.
Dynamically sets the title of the window.
Dynamically gets the title of the window.
Returns if the window is still open.
Dynamically sets the width of the window.
Dynamically gets the width of the window.
Dynamically sets the x position of the window.
Dynamically gets the x position of the window.
Dynamically sets the y position of the window.
Dynamically gets the y position of the window.
Static variable to a SDL GL Context.
1 Window window = new Window(800, 600, "Unittest"); 2 3 assert(window.valid); 4 5 assert(window.title == "Unittest"); 6 window.title = "Window Title"; 7 assert(window.title == "Window Title"); 8 // Automatic conversion from c-strings to D-strings 9 10 assert(window.width == 800); 11 12 window.close(); 13 assert(!window.valid);
Single-Window class wrapping SDL_Window.