1 module d2d.font.ttftext;
3 import d2d;
5 import std.algorithm : max;
7 /// Implementation containing text drawable functions using a TTF font. Nice for static texts, slow for dynamic texts.
8 class TTFText : RectangleShape, IText
9 {
10 private:
11 	float _scale = 1.0f;
12 	string _text = "";
13 	TTFFont _font;
14 	bool _multiline = false;
16 public:
17 	/// Creates an empty ttf text
18 	this(TTFFont font)
19 	{
20 		_font = font;
21 		texture = new Texture();
22 		texture.create(0, 0, []);
23 	}
25 	/// Gets the scale in percent.
26 	override @property float scale()
27 	{
28 		return _scale;
29 	}
31 	/// Sets the scale in percent.
32 	override @property void scale(float value)
33 	{
34 		_scale = value;
35 	}
37 	/// Gets the text.
38 	override @property string text()
39 	{
40 		return _text;
41 	}
43 	/// Modifies the text.
44 	override @property void text(string value)
45 	{
46 		if (_text != value)
47 		{
48 			_text = value;
49 			redraw();
50 		}
51 	}
53 	/// Returns if this text should be rendered multiline.
54 	@property bool multiline()
55 	{
56 		return _multiline;
57 	}
59 	/// Sets if this text should be rendered multiline.
60 	@property void multiline(bool value)
61 	{
62 		if (_multiline != value)
63 		{
64 			_multiline = value;
65 			redraw();
66 		}
67 	}
69 	/// Should get called automatically when something changed.
70 	void redraw()
71 	{
72 		Bitmap bmp;
73 		if (_multiline)
74 		{
75 			string[] lines = text.split('\n');
76 			int maxWidth = 0;
77 			foreach (string line; lines)
78 			{
79 				int w, h;
80 				TTF_SizeText(_font.handle, line.toStringz(), &w, &h);
81 				maxWidth = max(w, maxWidth);
82 			}
83 			bmp = Bitmap.fromSurface(TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended_Wrapped(_font.handle, text.toStringz(), Color.White.sdl_color, maxWidth));
84 		}
85 		else
86 		{
87 			bmp = Bitmap.fromSurface(TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(_font.handle, text.toStringz(), Color.White.sdl_color));
88 		}
89 		if (!bmp.valid)
90 			throw new Exception(cast(string) TTF_GetError().fromStringz());
91 		texture.recreateFromBitmap(bmp, "Blended Text: \"" ~ text ~ "\"");
92 		size = vec2(texture.width, texture.height);
93 		create();
94 	}
96 	override void draw(IRenderTarget target, ShaderProgram shader = null)
97 	{
98 		matrixStack.push();
99 		matrixStack.top = matrixStack.top * mat4.scaling(_scale, _scale, 1);
100 		super.draw(target, shader);
101 		matrixStack.pop();
102 	}
104 	override @property bool valid()
105 	{
106 		return super.valid;
107 	}
109 	override void dispose()
110 	{
111 		super.dispose();
112 	}
113 }